
I Saw

A young mother, walking
with her little boy, I’d say
three years of age. He climbed
onto a short wall, and perhaps
imagining a balancing beam
he walked atop the bricks
while she held his hand.
When they made their way
to the opposite side
she said it was time to get down
but he didn’t want to
so she made a game out of it.
“Let’s fly now,” she said
and holding onto both of his hands
counted, “One, two, three.”
Despite his protests, she gently
lifted him down, took hold of his hand
to lead him away.
His initial response was to stop
his body held rigid, readying to fight
and I expected to see a full blown fit.
Instead, his mother calmly pulled him along
beside her and in a sweet sing-sing voice
said, “Come on honey, let’s tell them your name,”
and danced him into Super Cuts.
I don’t know why, but it almost
made me cry.

Written for Brian's Poetics challenge @ dVerse</a>.