
Before the Divorce

A cool overcast afternoon
of summer. Alone I play
in the gutter like a stream
at the edge of our pitted driveway.
Mindless reverie, I watch
jacaranda leaves float in the water

Dark shape of doom in the sky
A large creature descending,
threatening harm. I run
for safety, into the garage.
My father fashions
balsa-wooded airplanes

My parents argue
in their dark bedroom. I cover
my ears when it thunders
and I am alone in my bed.
My mother cooks our meatloaf
my father flies his painted planes

I sit on a black leather chair
in the living room. Absently,
I trace the carving of the griffin
suspiciously like the stalking creature
in the sky. Meditating, I wonder
at the connection

A cool overcast afternoon
of summer. Alone I play
in the gutter like a stream
at the edge of our pitted driveway.
Mindless reverie, I watch
jacaranda leaves float in the water