

I keep wanting to smile
to lie in the warmth of the sun
feel the wind caress my limbs.
I'd like to jump a rope
express my new-found joy
curly and contagious.
The fullness of wholeness
out of reach for so long
is now mine, to have and to hold.
I want to dance and sing
of the reunion
soul with the divine
& breathe with the love
I'd been hunting like air.

It's like getting glasses
for the first time
when you've been legally blind
your whole life.
It's like living without
a leg for year
and overnight you discover
it's grown back.
It's like being scraped
living in segments
pointed pieces that wouldn't fit
into any picture
suddenly filling out.

The joy isn't what
you thought it would be
the outcome is just so normal
you can't stop grinning.
You wanna tell everybody
but what words could you use?
You wonder if there are others
like you
maybe you cold help them
but you don't know how
you helped yourself.

All you know for sure
is there is a joy-fest going on
and you're not interested
in missing out any longer.